Notification of planned changes in the operation of the WDF

Февруари 19, 2016

AES Maritza East 1 “Ltd. Galabovo informs all interested parties about planned changes in the operation of the Waste Disposal Facility as follows:


– Change the capacity of cell 4 and total capacity of the Waste Disposal Facility;

– Increase the amount of generated waste, include new types of waste from WDF operation and acceptance of new waste for disposal;

– Change the control of the volume and composition of infiltrated wastewater from cell 1 to 7 at Waste Disposal Facility


You can receive additional information about planned changes  till 16:00 of March 7, 2016 at the administrative building of “AES Maritsa East 1” Ltd., Galabovo.

Point of contact: L.Antonov Environmental Specialist,

tel. 042/901 487,