TPP AES Galabovo generated about 2.8 million MWh of energy in 2020

January 8, 2021

The most advanced coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria achieved an average annual desulfurization efficiency rate of over 97%

In 2020 the most advanced coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria TPP AES Galabovo generated 2 766 965 MWh of energy. With its operations the two units of the power plant provided 8% of the energy consumed in Bulgaria in 2020. This is equal to the average annual consumption of over 750 000 Bulgarian households, the analysis of the production results of TPP AES Galabovo showed.

TPP AES Galabovo operates in full compliance with the dispatch schedules of ESO to meet the needs of the country’s energy system. Thanks to its technological flexibility, TPP AES Galabovo helps the country to meet the requirements of ENTSO-E for primary and secondary control of the energy system. The power plant is of key importance for providing Bulgaria’s static and dynamic stability of the energy system as well as for maintaining the voltage levels and the balance of the reactive power in the electricity transmission grid. All this once again shows the key importance of the newest coal-fired TPP in the country for Bulgaria’s energy system.

As a result of the responsible attitude to the environment and the incorporated modern technology, in 2020 the most environmentally friendly coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria achieved an average annual desulfurization efficiency rate of over 97%.

With its operations, in 2020 TPP AES Galabovo contributed to Bulgaria’s energy independence and guaranteed the employment of thousands of miners in the largest state-owned mines in Bulgaria Mini Maritza East.

TPP AES Galabovo continues to guarantee the energy security of the country, operating in strict compliance with the measures against the spread of COVID-19.