The President, the Prime Minister, and other Bulgarian officials received the Bulgarian symbol of the upcoming spring

Nearly 400 children make martenitsas in AES Bulgaria’s traditional competition

March 1, 2022

Nearly 400 children from Galabovo Municipality’s schools took part in this year's competition of AES Bulgaria for making the most original martenitsa. AES Bulgaria has been organizing this traditional event for 14 years in a row. 

Children from 1 to 4 grades of ‘Vassil Levski’ Secondary School, ‘Paissii Hilendarski’ Primary School, ‘Hristo Botev’ Primary School in Galabovo, and Kiril and Metodi Primary School in the village of Obruchishte participated in the competition. AES Bulgaria provided all participants with the required materials– wool, beads, and other accessories to decorate the martenitsas. The children’s talent and imagination once again impressed the jury which found it really challenging to choose the most beautiful martenitsas. The martenitsa made by the children from 2 and 3 grades of the school in Obruchishte was selected as the winner. The grand prize for all children in the winning class shall be a one-day trip to one of Bulgaria’s 100 national tourist sites, provided by AES Bulgaria. All other participants in the art contest were gifted treats.

Traditionally, AES Bulgaria offered the martenitsas made by the children of Galabovo to the President, the Prime Minister, and other senior officials to wish them health and prosperity.

For all those 14 years, nearly 5400 children from Galabovo’s schools have participated in the competition dedicated to Baba Marta. The art event is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility program of AES Bulgaria and is aimed at preserving Bulgarian traditions and customs and encouraging children’s creative talent in Galabovo.